
Spain: seventh world power in medical cannabis production, but none of it for Spanish patients.
Since 2020, when the UN reclassified cannabis in the list of narcotics from Schedule I (prohibited substance) to Schedule IV

Exploring the European Medical Cannabis Landscape: Reflecting on Cannabisforum 2023
Chief Executive Officer of Linneo Health, Don Bellamy, and Regulatory Affairs Director, María Ángeles Muñoz Marín share insights from this

Onboarding Talent with our Internship Programme
Last year we shared the experience of our first intern, Mónica Muñoz, who provided an insight into her time at

Q&A with María Angeles, Quality and Regulatory Affairs Director
1. Can you tell us about your background and what led you to the pharmaceutical industry? My first interest in

Exploring the European Cannabis Market – Q&A with Don Bellamy
1.Can you give me some background on how Linneo Health got involved in the cannabis industry? Linneo is an independent

Minimising the impact of our business on the environment
By Marta Mora, Environmental Officer, Linneo Health Despite its relatively young age, the cannabis industry, particularly those involved in the